Pirate party member info leaked?
In this article, Aftonbladet.se claims the info from the Pirate Party member database has been leaked. Aftonbladet says the list is circulating over the net, and claims to have the complete list of members, including birth dates, which city they live in, and their phone numbers. Piratpartiet broke the news to their members on the site some time before the article was published. However, the authenticity of the list has not yet been confirmed.
The reporter had called Rick Falkvinge, leader of the Pirate Party, before the story broke. He claimed the list contained info from about 8 000 members. This is the main reason this information is currently considered a hoax by Pirate Party members. The Pirate Party forums have roughly 8 000 members. The list in the hands of Aftonbladet is probably the result of a script roaming through the member list of the forums. The information contained there is not linked with the member database. It is completely volountary to input this information into your profile, and the forums are open to non-party members too.
The article is written in a way as to cast doubt on the validity of the Pirate Party organisation. One example are the birth dates claimed to be on the list. They call them "födelsenummer", birth numbers. This is supposed to make people think of "personnummer", social security numbers, something you don't want to be spread across the Internet. Another example is that they have called people on the list to verify it. Some people had their phone numbers on their profile pages, others can be easily looked up if the name is rare enough.
The real question now is:
Is this faulty information supplied to the newswriter, or is this a masked attempt at an attack on the party directly from Aftonbladet? Aftonbladet has always had a critical attitude towards the pirates.
In conclusion, an attack on the party was not unexpected. This is a systematic attack on freedom, and after an attack on both the Pirate Bay and Piratbyrån, an attack on the Pirate Party was to be expected as well. I guess someone feels threatened by the work of Piratbyrån and the Pirate party..
The reporter had called Rick Falkvinge, leader of the Pirate Party, before the story broke. He claimed the list contained info from about 8 000 members. This is the main reason this information is currently considered a hoax by Pirate Party members. The Pirate Party forums have roughly 8 000 members. The list in the hands of Aftonbladet is probably the result of a script roaming through the member list of the forums. The information contained there is not linked with the member database. It is completely volountary to input this information into your profile, and the forums are open to non-party members too.
The article is written in a way as to cast doubt on the validity of the Pirate Party organisation. One example are the birth dates claimed to be on the list. They call them "födelsenummer", birth numbers. This is supposed to make people think of "personnummer", social security numbers, something you don't want to be spread across the Internet. Another example is that they have called people on the list to verify it. Some people had their phone numbers on their profile pages, others can be easily looked up if the name is rare enough.
The real question now is:
Is this faulty information supplied to the newswriter, or is this a masked attempt at an attack on the party directly from Aftonbladet? Aftonbladet has always had a critical attitude towards the pirates.
In conclusion, an attack on the party was not unexpected. This is a systematic attack on freedom, and after an attack on both the Pirate Bay and Piratbyrån, an attack on the Pirate Party was to be expected as well. I guess someone feels threatened by the work of Piratbyrån and the Pirate party..
Would you happen to know why TPB is having database problems right now, and when they'll be back?
BananaSlug, at 3:02 AM
sorry for that late comment but i just thought about it:
If the real member-informations leaked it must have come from the servers that were seized. That means that the Police has leaked this information somehow so it could get to the press.
At least some more way to scandalize everything
Anonymous, at 8:51 AM
No, the police haven't leaked any Pirate Party info since the Pirate Party's servers have never been in custody of the police.
The Pirate Party's servers weren't affected by the raids. The information that was supposedly the leaked member info was simply the list of profiles on the Pirate Party forum, an Internet forum open for non-members. And all the info available there was the normal "presentation page/profile" info. All of which was intended to be public. All the information there was optional to fill in when you registered on the forums.
Snild, at 4:15 PM
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